Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (2024)

Oh the tree..
Oh the desert..
Oh the cave..
Oh the Beach..
Oh the desert..
a place of Jesus
to escape Religion..

Oh the cave..
a place of Muhammad
to escape Christianity..

Oh the beach..
i come back full circle..

i am A Tree
WitH Forrest

And Buddha too..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (1)

Smiles As We For Give
Dust We Become Spirit Wind
Thanks Giving Loving No Boundaries

Random Feather
Only Knows Now
Spirit Carries More
With No Random At All

PaiN No

SMiLes Seeing
my Reflection
In Roots i
From Seed

FlameS only
SMiLes THeiR
World Is LiGHT
To DarK

SMiLes A Period of
My Life 5 Years
WHeRE Gold
Of Rainbow
One Tear
To Seek
Find Yes!
YouR Poem
Touches Tears
Gold of Saving
Again NoW As
LoVE Reborn Do..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (2)

“It’s like the great stories, Mr. Frodo, the ones that really mattered. Full of darkness and danger
they were, and sometimes you didn’t want to know the end because how could the end be happy?
How could the world go back to the way it was when so much bad has happened? But in the end,
it’s only a passing thing this shadow, even darkness must pass. A new day will come, and when
the sun shines, it’ll shine out the clearer. I know now folks in those stories had lots of chances
of turning back, only they didn’t. They kept going because they were holding on to something.
That there’s some good in this world, Mr. Frodo, and it’s worth fighting for.” (Samwise Gamgee)

“The world is indeed full of peril, and in it there are many dark places;
but still there is much that is fair, and though in all lands love is now
mingled with grief, it grows
perhaps the greater.” (Haldir)

From 'Lord of The Rings'

Picture Date on Father's Day
1997 As only Family Portrait We Made

And My Mother A Real Published
Poet in Print Unlike me Wrote
The Poem For Ryan then

Her Name is Helen
Helen means Light
And Also Sun And
Moon Depending
On Greek Interpretation

Ryan Means
"Little King" or "iLLustrious"

SMiLes Dear the More Meaning
And Purpose We Co-Create in
Life the Closer in Natural
Worship We Gain
in DarK
To God in All that
We aRE and Do
From Less Than
A Grain of Sand
To More than
We Will Even
To BRinG to FRuitioN
of Creation More

We Do Agree Dear
In A World
Of DarK in
i See
Flame of
Hope Who
Than You May
Ever KNoW
So That is
Why i Am
With SMiLes
ReaL SMiLes

Other than 'That' When Katrina was 27 She Had
my Only Child That Was A Son Who only
Lived 51 Days Only In Pain with No Smile
His Name Was Ryan it was Hard She Went
Into Code Blue During the
Labor With a Grand
Mal Seizure
i told God i would
Give Up Anything
If She Survived as
Indeed She was in a Life
Threatening Situation too
She Survived Ryan Died in
My Arms And From That Day Forward
She Never Really Aged SMiLes
my FRiEnD at Least in my Life
Reality is More Miraculous
Than Fiction in DarK
And LiGHT too
And that
me of A Movie Part
of 'The Seventh Sign' too
But in this Case Our Movie
HaD A Different Ending for
It's true in Other Versions
A SiGNaTuRE A SoN Comes First...

And the Father Comes Last or so it seems my FRiEnD

As it took HIM To Truly Appreciate my Gift of Life DarK Thru LiGHT

And It took HIM as my Savior to Realize that even though i was Blessed

By God with the Worst Pain and Numb Known to Humankind for 66 Months

i had what HE Never had at Least one Smile in my Life that wasn't Pain




Love At
Best Breath
NoW For Real..

For See i Promised HIM
HIS Life Would Make A

Difference So i Lived



Still Do
And Sure for
You And the
Rest of Existence
too This Life my FRiEnD


Is Breath

This Is Gift

This Is Love

God Now We


Katrina Is Just Supernormal hehe..

But me.. i don't Get Her Rippling Muscles

And 6-Pack for even close to free... Seriously

Though Living Through Much Challenge

in Childhood Changed Her Epigenetic

DNA Potential to Excel in all

That is Required to Survive

Which of course includes aging slowly...

Honestly though hehe With Asperger's
Syndrome i love to Explain Stuff in Detail
too And it's True mixing Science With Art
is Fun too but in this Case Science Actually Shows
That Meditation and Moving Meditation Even greater is
Really A Fountain of Youth That Regenerates Human Being
From Head to toe to even Studies that Show Gray Matter in the
Brain Regenerates this way and this is when folks even only Routinely
Do Sitting Still Meditation For Just A Few Times A Week in 30 Minutes or
so of Effort Yet in my Life All my Writing and All My Dance is Done in an Autotelic
Flow Where i escape the Worry Part of the Mind and Generate My Own Happiness
Within that consists of all Natural Neurohormones and Neurochemicals i actually control
Through the Bio-Feedback over the Course of 86 Months Now of Writing and Dancing
Through Actually Regulating My Emotions Integrating My Senses Intuitively For Real
And Even When i Literally
Lived in Hell Shut-in
in my Bedroom
For the Last
33 Months
of that 66 Months
When i first started
Writing What has become
A Total of around 12 Million
Words online Since Thank Giving
Day of 2010.. i didn't really Get in Full
Flow of Free Verse Poetry coming Deep
Within this Meditation Flow of Holy and
Creative Spirit until 33 Months in and
About 4 Million Words of Effort
As With all that Pain and
Numb i never Knew
if i could make
it the next
Second as i've
Described Before in
that 66 Months of Worst
Science assessed Human
Pain and Numb then.. i started
Writing to avoid the sad necessity
of ending my Life as true that Disease
i had is truly named the Suicide Disease
too Writing Saved my Life So i Give back
Each and Every Step And Word in Dance And
Song Just for Great Thanks And Praise for every



i take..

Meanwhile i got
4 Times Stronger
Than my Peers
And 3 Times
at 60
than me
at 53 Empirically
Measured in
Video Way
too Leg
Pressing all
the Weight i
Still do Now
And Honestly
Every Day i continue
to Feel Younger Than Ever
Before for True the More i get in
Balance Literally in a Free Dance and
Write too the Lighter i become the
More i become Light in Balance

Sure i visit
Dark too..
to make
Sure i ReMeMBeR
WHere i come from
As The Dark Brings me this Light
indeed DarK the Greatest Gift of my LiGHT

LooKinG At Life this way indeed
Ageless, Timeless, Distanceless,
Matterless, Weight of LoVE LiGHT
iNDeeD NoW to Be See i am and of


You too

And Every Other
Part of Existence NoW

This Great Force of Love
Now Being Seeing LoVE NoW..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (3)

Haha.. Not sure if you can see this
Video Trailer about the Movie, the 'Age of
Adaline' on Your Smart Phone but When me
And Katrina Saw it i thought haha They must have made this for Her.. hehe

Smiles Honestly Ruelha People are moving in So Many Directions these
Days with so many Vastly Different Interests that Even if Jesus could
Really come BacK NoW.. no matter what he did or does no one
Would even notice if he was ever

Really Here..

And true

That is

Probably Exactly

The Way He would Plan

It For Honestly Humans haven't

Changed in the Last 2,000 Years

They would only Crucify Him Again

Jesus Will Have to Come this

Next Go Around

As No


At All

to make it past 33 Years of age....

Ain't it Sad but it is really True not many People

Now Still Really See And Do Jesus/God is Love And

That sadly is Just Part of the Dark that Brings Light for Real too...

Understanding All of what God Does Is Is far far Beyond my Pay-Rate And Status

For When Mystery Dies so Do We aS ONly Machines No Longer Really Breathing...

No Doubt in my Soul 'Jesus' Will Come Back As A 'Butterfly' as He Will Understand

The Effect



Free Wings
on the World
at Large that
Small Flame
That Lights up Reality as LoVE iNDeeD..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (4)

SMiles As 'They' Sing
Brevity is the Wit of Wisdom
Again He is Love She Is Love God
Is Love
Is Love
When We
Choose and
When We Do God
More Than A Noun When We Feel And Sense
This Giving Sharing Dance For Free With Least
Harm for ALL When We Dance The Verb of Breathing


God US..

i am 100 Percent in Faith
Sure if JeSuS is to Dance Love
The Earth to Day He Will Sing
CoVeRinG His Entire Body Up
And Dance And Sing More Please
Give All this Love You are Giving me to
Your Neighbor For Honestly i am Love
i am God i am Enough Allone... Smiles in
Real Life as a so-called Public Dance Legend
With the 13,808 Months of Dance All Around my
Metro Area as i was Happy to be out of Hell for 66
Months and i just wanted to make every last and first
Word And Step Dance And Song Holy and Sacred To Celebrate this Great

Gift of Life

i am so


to ever receive at all...

in this Last 86 Months Now

i have honestly had people Kneel
Down Bow And Hold their Hands in Prayer for me...

i have Honestly had Women i don't know and have
never met before say they wish they could be married to me...

i have Honestly had Other Folks Say i am Weird and even Scary
And Even Potentially Dangerous like i am going to go on a Murder
Rampage Spree And It's True i am only a Dude is was flattering when
That Young Beautiful Woman Said She Wished She was Married to me
only for the Moves of my Free Dance With No Fear.. It's True When
Two Lovely Young Woman offered up their Hips to me and asked
me for my Phone Number on the Last Night of Dance on March 12,
Before Covid-19 Shut the Dance Hall down that was flattering
too as yes i am Just a Dude but it was even funnier when i told
them how Old Do You Think i am in this Dark Dance Hall they replied 35
And i said Haha Why are doing this to Grand Pa i am almost 60 Years-old
Keeping in Mind You've Already Seen Katrina in a Bikini there is nothing
they could possibly offer me that i lay next to and wake up with, with no Make-up
On at all every day that way.. but it's true What made me even more uncomfortable

Is when they Bowed Down Their Head Holding their
Hands in Prayer
Kneeling Before
me as Honestly
that made me more
Uncomfortable than the
Older Uneducated Woman who
Said She was Afraid i was a fixin'
To Break Out in A Dance of a Murder Rampage Spree...

Let's Face it Not Every one Dances Not Everyone Gets
Called Legend by Folks Driving Down the Road at 2 AM
in the Morning Walking Back on City Streets staying
Alert so Ya Don't Get Mugged by Potential 'Thugs'..

This much i know
God Doesn't
Need Any
Us For You
See God is Love
God is the Essence
of Love that Never Fears
Criticism or Needs Worship
It's True i have Sympathy for the Devil
And God this Way as i've Seen the Day and Night

Hands in
That Never
Ends Now No Loving
Parent Wants to See
their Children Serve Anything
Less than Free God Love And of Course The Life The Breath We Do See
This Gift is inherently Worship the For Giving Thanks Giving LoVE iNDeeD.Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (5)

In Other Words Light Doesn't Need Light to Be Light

Light is Light

Even the


Flame Lights

Up An Auditorium

And Even A World of Dark

This Way God Continues to

Breathe no Matter What Size Flame Breathes now...

i Come from Dark i understand How Tall the Smallest Grain of



up Now

A Mountain

of Love That is Light for Real...

When i Stand Tall i Naturally Bow Most my FRiEnD..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (6)

And it's Worth Noting That 'Jesus Said' it was the Woman's
Great Faith that Healed Her We Must Believe in this Flame of Love

We Breathe



See Love Be i am

And We As Us ALL...

SMiLes Just in my Relatively
Tiny View Only A Grain of
Sand i am and Less as Least is More..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (7)

Thanks For Reading...

Parting Words i Worked
In Marketing Asking
Folks to buy what they
Can’t See Doesn’t
Work Try another
Approach if you really
Want to Convince Folks
You are Selling a Product of Value
Shakespeare couldn’t Sell
Now as the Target
Size Which
Means What i Do is
Of NO Monetary
Or Current Twitter
World Value in
A World
Of Button
Presses For
Nothing of Real
Value Breathing Within...

Find a
Or Don’t Sell
It’s as Simple
As That but
You are Never
Going to Sell
What Folks Can’t
See No Different
Than Heaven Within..
Grow some Thicker
Skin too my
Helps in
LiGHT And DarK NoW
All This Jazz RiSinG
Roses Hey it was
Who Said
i Deserve
A Nobel Prize
Thanks For the
Kind Wishes
Only Lies...

No thanks Breathing
Is Reward Enough for
Me And Yes of Course
there is Reality Being
Financially Independent Helps
And Sure stronger than ever
At 60 With A Wife Who
Never Ages at 50
Let’s Just Dance
And Sing Icing
Comes Free
When We
Really Put
the Work in to
Make the Cake
Real And True..
And on Top of
That Heaven For
Real Within That
Requires No Myths
No Narcissistic Little
Men And Even Smaller
Gods Like Trump in
Words, Pages,
In Books
Deceit i For
ONE am Nature
No one Owns me
And i Am not For Sale..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (8)

Endorsed by A Fly
Oh What Dogs
Leave Behind
Greater than
DeceiT HeHe...

SMiLes i Naturally
Regulate ‘The
Within Skipping
All Instructions
Dancing With Glee
True i Am the
FoR Me Hehe
When i
Hurricane too... bye


- me...

It’s True my
Wife is Ruled
My Someone Else’s



Not me

Not me Hehe...

It’s Worth Noting Now

Shakespeare is Free...

Just saying...

Doubt He spent too
Much Time Fishing
For Likes And Follows
In His Bliss of Creativity
In Autotelic Flow in
Of Heaven
Within Just
Like Jesus When
He is Real Fearing
No Criticism Needing
No God Damning Worship
That Folks Give THeir God Trump

Just saYin...




Any More Questions
About Who God is



Light Makes

Dark Makes Light...

Shakespearean quotes:

Thanks i Love Answering Quotes...

1. All that glitters is not Gold

Yet True, my Wife Does Not
Wear Make-up And is Still
Gold Without that ‘Instagram Model Stuff’.

2. a tale told by an idiot, full
of sound and fury, signifying nothing..

In A Word Trump
In A World Trump.

3. Hell is empty and all the devil's are here..

Trump And His Minions
Is Enough Where i Do
Not Really Live in Yuck That World.

4. The lady doth protest too much, me thinks..

Most Catholic Male
Priests Who Make
Jokes From The
Pulpit when they
Wear Pink Robes and
True their ‘Colors’
Get Way Darker than
That Hidden in Closets
Of Hell For Others too
On this Earth Protected
By Devils too... Irony
Of Where Hell is
For Children too...

5. These violent delights have violent ends.

When Church And State
Hold Hands And Call
God Trump...

6. Brevity is the soul of wit.

Trump Meme For
All Evil Indeed Adolph
For their God Win too.

7. Now is the winter of our discontent.


8. If music be the food of love,play on..

Not Trump

9. Good night, good night, parting is such a
sweet sorrow. That I shall say good night till it be morrow.

November 3rd in
The United States
Good Night For A
Greater Morrow indeed
My God William such a
Modern Prophet of
Human Nature Still.

Thanks, this is Almost
As Fun As answering
A Vapid WordPress Award
To Generate More Vapid
Button Presses For All
That Glitters As Gold
For this Modern
Cut And Paste
Way of This, That
And Anything But Swipe
Left And Right Make-up
Likes With No Real Love
Too. Modern Shakespeare
Got Distracted by other
Quotes on His Facebook
Feed And never
Wrote A Word...

SMiLes Dear
Sohair took
me 29 Years
To Find Katrina
Keeping Heaven
Within Is Surely
A Lifetime
And Invisible
Challenge And
To Keep Dancing
On A Tight Rope
Effortlessly Now
At Ease But
The Dance
And Song
Must Go
On As
Within NoW..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (9)

SMiLes Dear FRiEnD Congratulations
on the Sunshine Blogger Award Much
Thanks For Nominating me as Well
For the Second Date it Appears my
Blog Post is Approaching Over 55 Thousand
Words so i'll answer the Questions here as they
Might Get Lost in the Ocean Over there at my place haha..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (10)

Q:-What is ur fav. vacation spot?

Hehe i'm Always on Vacation Within...
And Basically Where i Live is Named
Paradise For the Environment Here by
Visitors Globe-Wide in Terms of Forests,
Rivers, Bays, and Most Beautiful Beaches
And hehe they haven't even seen the Heaven
Within me
as far
as i
at least
for the folks
Where i Live hehe..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (11)

Q:-Do u prefer hotel or camping?

Neither as Katrina is too much of a Germaphobe
to Do Either hehe and she is kind of attached to me

i Go
i Love
that too
She is always
Like Vacation for me too...
Plus she says i don't do anything
As Good as Her so She Does it all
As She Wants it done her way so i say

Will Do,

Thank You..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (12)

Q:-How many pets do u have, if any?

Smiles... i would Love to Have A Cat
Again but it's True it's kinda Nice
Getting All of Katrina's Love Again..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (13)

Q:-Sunny days or rainy days?

Sunny Rainy Days i Don't Mind
Generally Speaking i Create
My Own Weather Within Now..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (14)

Q:-What is ur fav. season and why?

Now Just Always Now as True
i Master the Seasons Within
No Matter What Date of Year i Breathe..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (15)

Q:-What type of clothing do u wear?

Hehe.. Like A Politician i'll Answer
Indirectly Politically Correct by
Saying i Rarely Buy New Clothes
And it Just Puts more Money in Katrina's Purse.. hehe...

But it's True She Ends up Buying Me New T-Shirts
And Shorts So That's What i Wear As She even Dresses me up too..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (16)

Smiles Dear FRiEnD it's Been A Long Blog Post i've Been Writing
Since My Stepmother Passed Away and My Father's Identical Twin
My Uncle Yesterday too.. Lots of other stuff too but i'm still Smiling

Just Dancing
And Singing
Through All
The Rains And
Clouds As They
Naturally Become Sunshine
Again Dark Thru Light Move And

Repose Again..

In Other
Dance And Sing Free..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (17)

Smiles As We For Give
Dust We Become Spirit Wind
Thanks Giving Loving No Boundaries

Random Feather
Only Knows Now
Spirit Carries More
With No Random At All

PaiN No

50 And-A-Half Years-Katrina
Old-Shelf-Life-Extending NoW
Even More Than Me heHe aT 60

OMG i'd Get So Many 'Strange' Facebook
Friend Requests If i Leave THAT Fairest
Of All FB Katrina Profile Pic Up

Hmm... Katrina Approaching The
Mirror Daring It Again Not to Give
Great Praise Thanks She Is Fairest Still Of All

Oh the tree..
Oh the desert..
Oh the cave..
Oh the Beach..
Oh the desert..
a place of Jesus
to escape Religion..

Oh the cave..
a place of Muhammad
to escape Christianity..

Oh the beach..
i come back full circle..

i am A Tree
WitH Forrest

And Buddha too..Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (18)

Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (19)

Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (20)

Depth of 'The Story' | Asperger's & Autism Community (2024)
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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Last Updated:

Views: 5629

Rating: 4.6 / 5 (66 voted)

Reviews: 89% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.