Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC · Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (2024)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (1)

Results of the 2012 CASE Compensation Survey:

Institutionally Related Foundation Respondents

Prepared by Andrew Paradise

Council for Advancement and Support of Education

July 2012

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (2)

2 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Project Director: Andrew Paradise

CASE Senior Director of Research: Judith Kroll

Director of CASE Legislative, Foundation and Recognition Programs: Brian Flahaven

© 2012 CASE. All rights reserved. No part of the material in this document may be reproduced or used in

any form, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, posting or distributing, or by any

information storage and retrieval system, without the written consent of the copyright holder.

Limit of Liability/Disclaimer: While the publisher has used its best efforts in preparing this paper, it makes

no representations or warranties with respect to the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this paper.

Neither the publisher nor the author is engaged in rendering legal, accounting or other professional

services. If legal advice or other expert assistance is required, the services of a competent professional

should be sought.

Council for Advancement and Support of Education

1307 New York Ave. NW

Suite 1000

Washington, DC 20005

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (3)

3 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education


Introduction 5

Survey Background 5

Survey Methodology 5

Statistics in the Report: How to Interpret 5

Understanding the Data 7

Data Tables for Institutionally Related Foundation Respondents 8

Table 1.1: Annual Salary Median, Mean and Distribution of Ranges 8

Table 1.2: Median and Mean Salary, by Advancement Discipline 9

Table 1.3: Median and Mean Salary, by Years of Experience 10

Table 1.4: Median and Mean Salary, by Age Group 11

Table 1.5: Median and Mean Salary, by Credential 12

Table 1.6: Median and Mean Salary, by Management Status or Responsibility 13

Table 1.7: Median and Mean Salary, by Number of Reports 14

Table 1.8: Median and Median Salary, by Enrollment 15

Table 1.9: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Advancement Services 16

Table 1.10: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Alumni Relations 17

Table 1.11: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Communications and/or Marketing 18

Table 1.12: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Development/Fundraising 19

Table 1.13: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Overall Advancement Management 20

Table 1.14: Bonus Data 21

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (4)

4 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Table 1.15: Bonus Data (among the respondents that received a bonus and indicated the amount) 22

Table 1.16: Annual Salary Adjustments 23

Appendix: Survey Questions 24

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (5)

5 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education


Survey Background

CASE has conducted compensation surveys to track trends in the profession and to help members

benchmark salaries since 1982. Following a major overhaul of the survey instrument and data

collection system the previous year, CASE Research fielded the Compensation Survey again in

October 2011. All individual CASE members at colleges, universities and independent schools in

Canada and the United States were eligible to participate. For more information, visit

Survey Methodology

At the close of the 2011/2012 CASE Compensation Survey, a total of 323 usable responses were

collected from individual CASE members at institutionally related foundations (IRF). Survey

respondents represented a broad range of demographic profiles reflecting discipline/primary

function, institution enrollment size, geographic area, and supervisory level and tenure.

Statistics in the Report: How to Interpret

All financial figures in this report are presented in U.S. dollars (USD). The majority of the IRF

respondents (316) represented U.S. institutions. The remaining 7 respondents reported salary data

in Canadian dollars (CAD). The CASE research team converted the Canadian financial responses

into USD for the results presentation based on the exchange rate observed on January 3, 2012.

Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all

percentages may add to 100. In some cases, totals add to more than 100 percent due to

respondents’ ability to select more than one response to a question.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (6)

6 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Commonly used statistics in this report include the following:

Median. When all values for a given question are rank-ordered from lowest to highest (or

the reverse), the value in the middle position is the median. Half the values are above this point

and half are below. If there is an even number of values, the median is derived by taking the

values just below and just above the midpoint and averaging the two.

The median is often preferred over the mean as a more representative measure because median

values are not added and then divided by the number of respondents (as the mean is) but rather

are chosen from the position of the value at the midpoint of the values. Thus, the median is less

vulnerable to being skewed by very high or very low individual values. However, when both the

mean and the median measures are provided, readers can get a sense of the range of responses to

a question if there is a big difference between the two measures.

Mean (or Simple Mean or Average). The mean is calculated by summing all responses

to a question and dividing by the number of respondents to that question. Unless there are clear

outliers that need to be excluded from the calculation (i.e., a few responses that are far outside the

expected range of values for a given question), the mean includes each value reported. A mean

computation is affected by extremely high or low values, which can skew results.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (7)

7 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Understanding the Data

Data presented in this report provide the broadest possible look at the results of the 2011/2012

CASE Compensation Survey to help identify patterns across the profession. Given the diversity

and complexity of the IRF membership base, not every direct comparison of individual salaries is

possible. The tables that follow present multiple factors that strongly influence salary, such as

years of experience, management responsibility, discipline and highest degree earned.

For example, Table 1.12 on p. 19 [Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of

Responsibility for the Primary Area of Development/Fundraising] indicates that the median

salary for an IRF major gifts officer is $76,395. This figure is the midpoint in the range of all

major gift salaries within the development/fundraising respondent pool. In addition, the mean

salary for an IRF major gifts officer is $87,172, and the percentage of respondents within the

development discipline who reported major gifts as an area of responsibility was 44.6 percent.

The sample size constitutes an important aspect of any empirical study in which the goal is to

make inferences about a population from a sample. Larger sample sizes typically facilitate

increased precision when estimating unknown parameters. The response rate for this survey is

large enough to show statistically valid and meaningful patterns among the CASE IRF

membership. However, going deeper into results from subsets of respondents requires caution

when interpreting the findings. Some of the filtered categories contain very low numbers of

respondents, and consequently their results have been removed from the tables.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (8)

8 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Data Tables for Institutionally Related Foundation Respondents

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations Table 1.1: Annual Salary Median, Mean and Distribution of Ranges (n = 323)

Median Salary $70,000 Mean Salary $82,039

Ranges Number Percent

Less than $40,000 19

5.9% $40,000 to $49,999 43


$50,000 to $59,999 52

16.1% $60,000 to $69,999 47


$70,000 to $79,999 31

9.6% $80,000 to $89,999 38


$90,000 to $99,999 19

5.9% $100,000 to $124,999 37


$125,000 to $149,999 12

3.7% $150,000 or more 25 7.7%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (9)

9 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.2: Median and Mean Salary, by Advancement Discipline (n = 323)

Primary Area of Responsibility Median Mean Number Advancement Services $60,765



Alumni Relations $50,000


10 Communications and/or Marketing $66,808



Development/Fundraising $70,000


186 Overall Management of Multiple

Advancement Functions $89,010 $114,905 49

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (10)

10 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.3: Median and Mean Salary by Years of Experience

By Years in Advancement (n = 322)

Years Median Mean Number Less than 3 years $53,500



3 to 5 years $55,000


66 6 to 10 years $69,000



11 to 15 years $78,000


43 16 to 20 years $96,870



More than 20 $110,000 $131,516 39

By Years at Institution (n = 323)

Years Median Mean Number Less than 3 years $62,500



3 to 5 years $63,000


81 6 to 10 years $75,000



11 to 15 years $78,000


27 16 to 20 years $108,000



More than 20 $96,250 $103,999 18

By Years in Position (n = 323)

Years Median Mean Number Less than 3 years $63,250



3 to 5 years $64,649


88 6 to 10 years $85,000



11 to 15 years $83,250


16 16 to 20 years *



More than 20 $143,255 $134,358 6 * insufficient data

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (11)

11 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.4: Median and Mean Salary, by Age Group (n = 302)

Age Groups Median Mean Number 18 to 25 $36,000



26 to 30 $50,000


43 31 to 35 $60,000



36 to 40 $65,000


37 41 to 45 $80,000



46 to 50 $80,500


36 51 to 55 $75,500



56 to 60 $85,000


35 61 plus $100,000 $139,124 21

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (12)

12 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.5: Median and Mean Salary, by Credential

Highest Level of Education (n = 323) Median Mean Number High School $42,330 $53,583 7 Associate's $55,500 $48,796 6 Bachelor's $61,765 $71,774 152 Master's $75,000 $86,229 136 Doctoral $151,000 $164,533 12 Other (specialty, professional) $129,550 $121,960 10

Professional Certificate Held (n = 311) Median Mean Number

None $65,000 $78,514 237 Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) $95,000 $110,487 21 Nonprofit management $71,000 $84,696 12 Certified Public Account (CPA/CA) $100,000 $101,364 11 Accredited in public relations (APR) * * 2 Certified financial planner (CFP) * * 1 Other (please specify) $67,677 $82,275 27 * insufficient data

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (13)

13 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.6: Median and Mean Salary, by Management Status or Responsibility

Management Status (n = 322) Median Mean Number Not management $54,250



Management $81,800 $91,759 236

Level of Management Responsibility (n = 322) Median Mean Number

No management responsibility $54,250


86 Manage a budget $50,000



Supervise one or more people $63,750


46 Manage a budget and supervise

one or more people $90,000 $104,265 165

Nature of Management Responsibility (n = 235) Median Mean Number

I have some management responsibility but I am not head of a major department $60,000



I head a major department but I do not report directly to the president/ chancellor/head of school or board $90,000



I head a major department and I do report directly to the president/ chancellor/head of school or board $100,000



I head an institutionally related foundation or alumni association and I report directly to its board $105,000 $137,857 32

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (14)

14 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.7: Median and Mean Salary, by Number of Reports (n = 200)

Number of Direct & Indirect Reports Median Mean Number

0 $47,000


21 1 $63,750



2 to 5 $81,600


79 6 to 10 $100,000



11 to 20 $122,000


15 More than 20 $178,000 $174,222 12

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (15)

15 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.8: Median and Mean Salary, by Institution Characteristics (n = 323)

Highest Academic Degree Institution Offers Median Mean Number Associate's







12 Master's







184 Stand-alone Specialized Institution $62,750 $76,145 24

Full-time Equivalent Enrollment at Institution Median Mean Number Less than 1,000




Between 1,000 and 5,000



64 Between 5,001 and 10,000




Between 10,001 and 15,000



34 Between 15,001 and 25,000




More than 25,000 $80,500 $87,773 86 * insufficient data

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (16)

16 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.9: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Advancement Services (n = 50)

Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility Median Mean Percent Prospect research/development research $59,000



Gift accounting and reporting $56,765



Biographical record maintenance $54,000



Information technology/systems/database support $53,500


24.0% Budget and finance $90,800 $90,348 20.0%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (17)

17 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.10: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Alumni Relations (n = 10)

Top Two Sub-areas of Responsibility Median Mean Percent Event planning & management/homecomings/reunions $51,000



Administrative support for alumni relations $43,000 $45,733 60.0%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (18)

18 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.11: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Communications and/or Marketing (n = 28)

Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility Median Mean Percent Communications and public relations $73,000



Overall management of communications and/or marketing $86,044


57.1% Publications/periodicals writing and editing $55,000



Web/Multimedia writing and editing $68,500


50.0% Brand management $82,087 $83,395 39.3%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (19)

19 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.12: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Development/Fundraising (n = 186)

Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility Median Mean Percent Development/fundraising—major gifts $76,395



Development/fundraising—annual giving $54,000


32.8% Donor relations/donor stewardship $59,950



Planned giving $78,000


18.8% Corporate and foundation relations $75,913 $76,973 18.3%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (20)

20 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.13: Median and Mean Salaries for the Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility for the Primary Area of Overall Advancement Management (n = 49)

Top Five Sub-areas of Responsibility Median Mean Percent Institutionally related foundation management $110,000



Budget and finance $107,000


32.7% Development/fundraising—major gifts $126,800



Donor relations/donor stewardship $89,010


30.6% Endowment management $101,500 $122,684 28.6%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (21)

21 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.14: Bonus Data Percent

Respondents who said they were eligible to receive bonuses (101 of 323)


Of those eligible, respondents who actually received a bonus last year (63 of 101)


Basis of Bonus Programs (n = 101)

Based on individual achievement of specific,

identified performance outcomes


Based on a group's achievement of specific,

identified performance outcomes


Based on overall merit




Based on remaining in the job for a specific period of time or until the completion of a project 4.0%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (22)

22 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey

Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.15: Bonus Data (among the respondents that received a bonus

and indicated the amount)

Bonus Amount, in ranges (n = 59) Ranges Number Percent Less than $1,000 13


$1,000 to $2,499 18

30.5% $2,500 to $5,000 14


More than $5,000 14 23.7%

Bonus as a Percent of Salary, in ranges (n = 59)

Ranges Number Percent Less that 1.5% 15


1.5% to 2.9% 15

25.4% 3.0% to 5.0% 10


More than 5% 19 32.2%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (23)

23 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

CASE 2012 Compensation Survey Report for Institutionally Related Foundations

Table 1.16: Annual Salary Adjustments

Type of salary adjustment in the latest fiscal year (n = 323)

Ranges Number Percent Salary decrease 5 1.5% No change 129 39.9% Salary increase 189 58.5%

Salary adjustments compared to previous fiscal year (n = 312)

Ranges Number Percent Higher 130 41.7% Lower 41 13.1% Same 141 45.2%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (24)

24 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Appendix: Survey Questions

CASE Compensation Survey – North America

Thank you for participating in the CASE Compensation Survey. Your responses will be an

invaluable resource to the profession by providing salary benchmarks for hiring managers and

advancement professionals. Please base your responses on your current individual employment


Please note that throughout this survey, the term “advancement” is used to describe the work

of advancement services, alumni relations, communications and marketing, development and

others who build and support relationships that advance educational institutions.

Confidentiality Assured

CASE is committed to the privacy of its members and survey respondents while providing access

to timely information about the internal workings of educational institutions. Information on

staff compensation is not released except in the aggregate—all identifying information will be

kept strictly confidential. CASE will not share survey responses specific to an individual or

organization with outside sources.

Your data will be saved each time that you click “Continue.” At the end of the survey, you will

have the opportunity to review your answers and make changes.

Preloaded Information

To make completing the survey easier and to ensure data consistency, CASE has preloaded data

about your institution type based on your ID number. Your institution name is provided below

to ensure that we have the correct institutional characteristics connected to your record (the

survey does not collect or identify salary data by institution or individual). If the institution name

or other information below is incorrect, please contact CASE at (202) 328-CASE or

[emailprotected] before completing the survey.

I. Institutional Profile

II. Your Profile

III. Compensation Profile

IV. Benefits Profile


Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (25)

25 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Part I. Institutional Profile

1. Please check the highest academic degree your institution offers:

□ Independent School (K-12)

□ Associate’s (2-yr)

□ Bachelor’s (4-yr)

□ Master’s

□ Research/Doctoral

□ Specialty/Professional degree(s)

2. Is your current institution public or private? □ Public □ Private

3. What is the full-time equivalent (FTE) enrollment at your institution?

□ Fewer than 1,000

□ Between 1,000 and 5,000

□ Between 5,001 and 10,000

□ Between 10,001 and 15,000

□ Between 15,001 and 25,000

□ More than 25,000

4. Please indicate the geographic profile that best describes your institution:

A. Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA) (a contiguous area of relatively high population

named for its central city). Please Indicate the closest MSA to your institution: a. [pull-down menu]

Atlanta, GA Austin-Round Rock, TX Baltimore, MD Birmingham, AL Boston, MA Buffalo-Niagara Falls, NY Calgary, Alta. Charlotte, NC Chicago, IL Cincinnati, OH Cleveland, OH Columbus, OH Dallas-Fort Worth, TX Denver, CO Detroit, MI Edmonton, Alta. Hartford-West Hartford-East Hartford, CT Houston, TX Indianapolis, IN Jacksonville, FL Kansas City, MO-KS Las Vegas, NV Los Angeles, CA

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (26)

26 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Louisville, KY Memphis, TN Miami-Fort Lauderdale, FL Milwaukee, WI Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN Montréal, Que. Nashville, TN New Orleans, LA New York, NY Oklahoma City, OK Orlando, FL Ottawa, Ont. Philadelphia, PA-Wilmington, DE Phoenix, AZ Pittsburgh, PA Portland, OR Providence, RI Richmond, VA Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, CA Rochester, NY Sacramento, CA Salt Lake City, UT San Antonio, TX San Diego, CA San Francisco-Oakland, CA San Jose-Sunnyvale-Santa Clara, CA San Juan-Caguas-Guaynabo, PR Seattle, WA St. Louis, MO Tampa-St. Petersburg, FL Toronto, Ont. Vancouver, B.C. Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News, VA Washington, DC

B. Urban description:

a. What best describes the surroundings where your institution is located:

□ Rural (population less than 30,000) □ Small town or suburb (population 30,000 - 50,000)

□ Mid-sized town or suburb (population 50,001 - 250,000)

□ Large town or suburb (population 250,001 - 1,000,000)

□ Major urban area (population more than 1,000,000)

C. Geographic Region: Please indicate the state/province where your institution is located.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (27)

27 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Part II. Your Profile

We are measuring progress in the diversification of the profession for a variety of areas. Your

responses to the following questions help CASE provide an accurate depiction of the profession

and assess the equity of compensation based on demographics.

5. What is your gender? □ Female □ Male □ Decline to answer

6. What is your race and/or ethnicity? Select all that apply.

□ American Indian, Alaskan Native, or First Nations

□ Asian

□ Black or African American

□ Hispanic

□ White

□ Decline to answer

□ Other (please specify): _______________________________ 7. What is your age? _______

8. In what part of the institution are you employed?

□ Central advancement office at institution (e.g., alumni relations, communications/marketing)

□ Independent alumni association

□ Institutionally related foundation

□ School or unit-based office

□ Employed on shared-time basis between institution and:

□ Foundation

□ Alumni Association

□ Other (please specify): ______________________

9. What is the highest academic qualification you have earned?

□ High school diploma

□ Associate’s (2-yr)

□ Bachelor’s (4-yr)

□ Master’s

□ Doctorate’s

□ Specialty/Professional degree

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (28)

28 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

10. What professional certificates do you hold?

□ I do not hold any

□ Accredited in public relations (APR)

□ Certificate in nonprofit management

□ Certified financial planner (CFP)

□ Certified fundraising executive (CFRE)

□ Certified public accountant (CPA, CA)

□ Other (please specify): ________________

11. How many years have you worked: (please round to the nearest whole number)

In advancement? ________________

At your present institution? ________________

In your current position? ________________

12. What is your employment status?

□ Full-time employee

□ Part-time employee, please specify average hours worked per week: __________

□ Temporary/short-term employee, please specify average hours worked per week: __________

13. Which best describes the level of your current position?

□ Specialist

□ Associate/Assistant Director

□ Director/Manager

□ Senior/Executive Director

□ Associate/Assistant VP

□ Vice President/ Vice Chancellor/Assistant Head of School

□ Senior Vice President

□ Associate/Assistant Dean

□ Dean

□ President/Chancellor/Head/Chief

□ Other (please specify): ____________

14. What is the level of the position to which you directly report?

□ Associate/Assistant Director

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (29)

29 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

□ Director/Manager

□ Senior/Executive Director

□ Associate/Assistant VP

□ Vice President/ Vice Chancellor/ Assistant Head of School

□ Senior Vice President

□ Associate/Assistant Dean

□ Dean

□ President/Chancellor/Head/Chief

□ Governing Board

□ Other (please specify): ____________

15. What is your PRIMARY area of responsibility? Please choose the area that best fits.

□ Advancement Services

□ Alumni Relations

□ Communications and/or Marketing

□ Development/Fundraising

□ Overall Management of Multiple Advancement Functions

16. Do you spend at least 75 percent of your time in [pipe in area that was selected in #15]?

□ Yes

□ No

17. The next question is about sub-areas of responsibility within your primary discipline—smaller components of your primary advancement discipline that fall under your responsibilities. You may or may not have a sub-area within your primary discipline in your current position. If you do, please answer the question below.

Please select up to five sub- areas in your PRIMARY area of responsibility. If you spend at least 75 percent of your time in one of the following sub-areas, please choose only that one.

[Advancement Services] Administrative support for advancement services (4)

Admissions/enrollment/recruitment (5)

Annual giving (6)

Association/club/chapter relations (7)

Biographical record maintenance (8)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (30)

30 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Budget and finance (9)

Campaign management (10)

Campaign/development/fundraising communications (11)

Customer service (12)

Development/fundraising—annual giving (13)

Development/fundraising—major gifts (14)

Donor relations/donor stewardship (15)

Endowment management (16)

Event planning & management/homecomings/reunions (17)

Gift accounting and reporting (18)

Gift processing (19)

Human resources (20)

Information technology/systems/database support (21)

Institutionally related foundation management (22)

Internal communications (23)

Matching gifts (24)

Membership development (25)

Other area in advancement services (26)

Overall management of advancement services (27)

Planned giving (28)

Proposal/grant writing (29)

Prospect management (30)

Prospect research/development research (31)

Publications/periodicals design and production (32)

Publications/periodicals writing and editing (33)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (31)

31 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Social media management (34)

Web/Multimedia design & production (35)

Web/Multimedia writing and editing (36)

[Alumni Relations] Administrative support for alumni relations (37)

Annual giving (38)

Association/club/chapter relations (39)

Awards & Recognition programs (40)

Biographical record maintenance (41)

Budget and finance (42)

Career services (43)

Education programs (44)

Event planning & management/homecomings/reunions (45)

Information technology/systems/database support (46)

Legislative advocacy (47)

Membership development (48)

Other area in alumni relations (49)

Overall management of alumni relations (50)

Parent/family programs (51)

Social media management (52)

Student programs (53)

Travel programs (54)

Volunteer board/council/committee relations (55)

Web/Multimedia design & production (56)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (32)

32 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

[Communications/Marketing] Administrative support for communications and/or marketing (57)

Admissions/enrollment management (58)

Advisory board/advocacy group relations (59)

Brand management (60)

Communications and public relations (61)

Community relations (62)

Government relations/legislative advocacy (63)

Internal communications (64)

Marketing (65)

Media relations (66)

Other area in communications and/or marketing (67)

Overall management of communications and/or marketing (68)

Publications/periodicals design and production (69)

Publications/periodicals writing and editing (70)

Social media management (71)

Special events management (72)

Trademark & Licensing management (73)

Volunteer board/council/committee relations (74)

Web/Multimedia design & production (75)

Web/Multimedia writing and editing (76)

[Philanthropy] Administrative support for advancement services (77)

Administrative support for development/fundraising (78)

Biographical record maintenance (79)

Budget and finance (80)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (33)

33 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Campaign management (81)

Corporate and foundation relations (82)

Campaign/development/fundraising communications (83)

Development/fundraising—annual giving (84)

Development/fundraising—major gifts (85)

Donor relations/donor stewardship (86)

Endowment management (87)

Event planning & management/homecomings/reunions (88)

Gift accounting and reporting (89)

Gift processing (90)

Human resources (91)

Information technology/systems/database support (92)

Institutionally related foundation management (93)

Matching gifts (94)

Other area in advancement services (95)

Other area in development/fundraising (96)

Overall management of advancement services (97)

Overall management of development/fundraising (98)

Planned giving (99)

Proposal/grant writing (100)

Prospect management (101)

Prospect research/development research (102)

Scholarship programs (103)

Volunteer board/council/committee relations (104)

Volunteer/board management (105)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (34)

34 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

[Overall Management] Admissions/enrollment/recruitment (106)

Advisory board/advocacy group relations (107)

Annual giving (108)

Association/club/chapter relations (109)

Awards & Recognition programs (110)

Biographical record maintenance (111)

Brand management (112)

Budget and finance (113)

Campaign management (114)

Campaign/development/fundraising communications (115)

Career services (116)

Communications and public relations (117)

Community relations (118)

Corporate and foundation relations (119)

Development/fundraising—annual giving (120)

Development/fundraising—major gifts (121)

Donor relations/donor stewardship (122)

Education programs (123)

Endowment management (124)

Event planning & management/homecomings/reunions (125)

Gift accounting and reporting (126)

Gift processing (127)

Government relations/legislative advocacy (128)

Human resources (129)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (35)

35 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Information technology/systems/database support (130)

Institutionally related foundation management (131)

Internal communications (132)

Marketing (133)

Matching gifts (134)

Media relations (135)

Membership development (136)

Other area in advancement services (137)

Other area in alumni relations (138)

Other area in communications and/or marketing (139)

Other area in development/fundraising (140)

Overall management of advancement services (141)

Overall management of alumni relations (142)

Overall management of communications and/or marketing (143)

Overall management of development/fundraising (144)

Parent/family programs (145)

Planned giving (146)

Proposal/grant writing (147)

Prospect management (148)

Prospect research/development research (149)

Publications/periodicals design and production (150)

Publications/periodicals writing and editing (151)

Scholarship programs (152)

Social media management (153)

Student programs (154)

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (36)

36 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Trademark & Licensing management (155)

Travel programs (156)

Volunteer board/council/committee relations (157)

Volunteer/board management (158)

Web/Multimedia design & production (159)

Web/Multimedia writing and editing (160)

18. The next question is about SECONDARY areas of responsibility—major areas of responsibility that are distinct from your primary discipline. You may or may not have a secondary area of responsibility in your current position. If you do, please answer the question below.

What is your SECONDARY area of responsibility? Please select all that apply.

□ Advancement Services

□ Alumni Relations

□ Communications and/or Marketing

□ Development/Fundraising

□ Overall Management of Multiple Advancement Functions

19. Please indicate any management responsibilities you have:

□ Do not have management responsibilities

□ Manage budget

□ Supervise one or more people

□ Manage a budget and supervise one or more people

20. What is the nature of your management responsibility?

□ I have some management responsibility but I am not head of a major department

□ I head a major department but I do not report directly to the president/chancellor/head of school or board

□ I head a major department and I do report directly to the president/chancellor/head of school or board

□ I head an institutionally related foundation or alumni association and I report directly to its board

21. How many direct and indirect reports do you have—in FTEs? ____ Please enter zero (0) if

you have none.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (37)

37 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Part III. Compensation Profile

22. What is your current annual base salary from the academic institution that employs you

(excluding benefits, housing allowance, bonuses, other jobs, etc.)?


23. Are you eligible for a bonus? Yes/No

[click for definition: bonus = a one-time cash payment in recognition of performance not

added to your base salary]

24. Which of the following best describes the nature of your bonus program(s)? (select all

that apply)

□ Based on my individual achievement of specific, identified performance outcomes

□ Based on a group’s achievement of specific, identified performance outcomes

□ Based on overall merit

□ Based on my remaining in my job for a specific period of time or until the completion of a project

□ Other (please specify): ____________

25. Did you receive a bonus or ‘other cash’ compensation in the most recent fiscal year from

the academic institution that employs you? Yes/No

26. What was the total dollar amount of your bonus or ‘other cash’ compensation in the most

recent fiscal year from the academic institution that employs you?


27. In which currency are you reporting your compensation information?

□ Dollar, Canadian

□ Dollar, US

□ Other: _______________

Base Salary Adjustments:

28. What type of salary adjustment did you receive in the latest fiscal year?

□ Salary decrease

□ No change

□ Salary increase

29a. If you received a salary decrease from the previous fiscal year, what was the percentage

decrease? ___%

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (38)

38 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

29b. If you received a salary increase over the previous fiscal year, what was the percentage

increase? ___%

30. Compared to changes in salaries in the previous fiscal year, is the change in your current base salary this fiscal year that you reported in the previous question higher, lower, or the same (i.e., please indicate how the percent change in your salary compares to the adjustment you received last year)?

□ Higher □ Lower □ Same

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (39)

39 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Part IV. Benefits Profile

31. Please indicate what benefits you receive from your institution.

Non-Salary Compensation/Expense Reimbursem*nt and Perquisites



Accident (business travel) □

Accident (AD&D)—24-hr/365 days/yr □

Dental □

Direct medical expense reimbursem*nt

(other than premiums)

Medical Insurance □

Medical Savings Accounts □

Vision □

Group term life □

Group cash value life □

Short-term disability □

Long-term disability □

Supplemental disability □

Supplemental life □

Section 125 (Pre-tax) Plan

Pre-tax dependent care flexible spending accts


Pre-tax health insurance premiums □

Pre-tax healthcare flexible spending accts (FSA) □

Pre-tax transportation/parking subsidy

Other (please specify): ________________ □


Paid vacation days □

Paid sick leave □

Paid statutory holidays □

Personal leave □

Paid Christmas to New Year’s off □

Compensatory time off □

Bereavement leave □

Paid while on jury duty □

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (40)

40 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Work Schedule

Flexible hours □

Job sharing □

Shorter summer hours □



Gym membership or discounts □

Physical fitness/wellness program □

Smoking cessation/weight loss program □

Employee and family assistance program

Financial Benefits

Financial planning services □

Reimbursem*nt for professional licenses (e.g.

CPA, APR, etc.)

Low or no interest loans □

Personal tax services □

Retirement plan (403b, pension, etc.)

Transportation and Travel

Car or car allowance □

Local transportation subsidy □

Parking □

Relocation expenses □

Spouse’s/domestic partner’s travel expenses □

Communications and Technology

Cellular phone/smart phone/pager purchase

(institution pays monthly fee)

Tablet computer or other handheld device (e.g.,


Home computer purchase or lease (Institution

pays supplies, service contract, Internet provider,


Home fax machine purchase or lease (Institution

pays supplies, service contract, etc.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (41)

41 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

Legal and Insurance

Legal resource plan (e.g., divorce, estate planning,


Personal liability insurance □

Professional liability insurance (as part of

Institution’s general policy)

Non-Cash Incentives

Extra time off □

Sabbatical after required service □


Educational/tuition benefits for employee □

Educational/tuition benefits for dependents □

On-campus dependent care □

Professional membership dues

Service on external volunteer


Other (please specify): ______________________ □

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC· Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (42)

42 CASE Compensation Survey Results ©2012 Council for Advancement and Support of Education

ABOUT CASE The Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE) is the professional organization for advancement professionals at all levels who work in alumni relations, communications and marketing, development and advancement services.

CASE’s membership includes more than 3,500 colleges, universities and independent and secondary schools in more than 70 countries. This makes CASE one of the largest nonprofit education associations in the world in terms of institutional membership. CASE also serves more than 60,000 advancement professionals on staffs of member institutions and has more than 22,500 individual “premier-level members” and more than 230 Educational Partner corporate members.

CASE has offices in Washington, D.C., London, Singapore and Mexico City. The association produces high-quality and timely content, publications, conferences, institutes and workshops that assist advancement professionals perform more effectively and serve their institutions.

For information, visit or call +1-202-328-2273.

Project Director: Andrew Paradise - ERIC · Percentages are rounded to the nearest one-tenth of a percent. Because of rounding, not all percentages may add to 100. In some cases, - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Greg Kuvalis

Birthday: 1996-12-20

Address: 53157 Trantow Inlet, Townemouth, FL 92564-0267

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Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Knitting, Amateur radio, Skiing, Running, Mountain biking, Slacklining, Electronics

Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.