StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (2025)

Who this aimed for

  • New player to know how to make a slightly complex build in their game. It didn't mean to share good design, but how to make them. It also will not cover details of ranching technique.

Minimum tech

  • Hazard Protection tech and already have atmo-suit ready


  • Insulated tile
  • Radiant pipe
  • Insulated pipe


To be successful in making a big result from drecko ranch, we need a minimum of 2 room. One main stable and the other one is shearing overflow. There is another room that can be added like a nursery, but this StepByStep didn't cover that.

We will want max 96 tiles for stable so we can put as much drecko as possible. But for drecko, there is some other aspect that needs to be considered. Bigger room means a longer time for drecko to reach rancher. Their food (mealwood plants) also need to be scaled well with numbers of drecko. This StepByStep didn't cover that, we will use a simple design that may or may not efficient enough. Let's say we will make stable like pic below, with main stable on top and shearing room under the stable. It also has room for a supplier to supply farm pot from below, didn't need to enter stable. Few extra spaces here and there for the possibility to insert sweeper or decor items.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (1)

Drecko only grows its fur when immersed in hydrogen. Meanwhile, mealwood need oxygen, polluted oxygen, or carbon dioxide to grow. For the final gas state, we will wantnon-hydrogen tiles as minimum as possible. We will choose CO2 for mealwood in this StepByStep. Something like this

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (2)

We will need to fill it with hydrogen first, then CO2 next.

Digging and making outer wall

To make it consist of hydrogen and CO2, we can make it vacuum first. But in this StepByStep we will follow normal digging method without making vacuum room. Using insulated tile is optional, but will help greatly to keep mealwood in desirable temperature. For early base insulated igneous rock is good enough, if you have mafic rock use that instead. Also, prepare piping for waterlock and atmosuit docks. Notice little pit under shearing room? We will use it to remove unwanted gas later.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (3)

Filling waterlock and atmosuit dock

Because we use U-type waterlock, it will take time to fill. Meanwhile, make atmosuit ready (start fill it with oxygen) and make gas pump inside just don't connect its power before waterlock complete

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (4)

Pump out gas inside

After waterlock ready, start pumping gas inside the chamber to outside. It may take a few cycles with one gas pump, which can be accelerated using more pump. We didn't need to make it vacuum, under 100g per tile is good enough.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (5)

Fill it with hydrogen

Deconstruct gas pump inside then pump hydrogen in from your sources, probably hot one from electrolyzer or preferably around room temperature from storage.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (6)

After this process, gas layout should shown that unwanted gas moving to the bottom area.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (7)

Introducing Carbon Dioxide

To decide how much we should put CO2 in, let's take a look at mealwood requirement and current pressure.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (8)

We need at least 150g in top of each those farm tiles and have to be less than hydrogen above them (1800g). To simplify the remaining process, let's take 1000g per tile. It will be same with full packed gas pipe max capacity. Start constructing pipe from CO2 sources like pics below, wait until it backed up, then deconstruct gas pipe above farm tiles.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (9)

After that, deconstruct the bridge, flip it around, and reconstruct the pipe. The remainder of CO2 inside the pipe ready to shipped back to where they belong. Because we want it to be one high tile of CO2, deconstruct tile below the door or even better if we have tech to make airflow we can put it there.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (10)

At this state, gas will be moving around trying to find a place to settle. The one that didn't get a place will falls.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (11)

While waiting, it is right time to deconstruct all gas pipes inside.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (12)

Just in case If after 1-2 cycle there is excess CO2 that cannot find their way down (because it's moving randomly), we can force it out by introducing small pit like this. And then close it from inside.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (13)

Planting mealwood and building inside stable

After gas settle, now we can start planting and constructing, including reconstructing one tile under the door. Bring your drecko inside. Normal drecko can have good chance of laying glossy eggs when eating mealwood.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (14)

Clean up gas inside the shearing room

If we look at the shearing room, it should be like this. It turns out we don't have enough space to remove unwanted gas.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (15)

We can add a few tiles as needed from outside. This example below in case so many unwanted gases.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (16)

Then deconstruct (or dig) from inside

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (17)

After those guys out, close the gap

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (18)

Now build all buildings inside the shearing room.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (19)


Because we use plants and machinery inside a sealed room, we need to keep the temperature inside in check. To do so, in early base we can use liquid pipes. If you can make radiant pipe (higher thermal conductivity is better, like aluminum), use it on certain area that need more strict check, rest of the pipe can be granite. But if you don't have that tech, just use granite pipes. You can always change it to radiant later, after researching related tech.

I assume liquid will flow from left to right, where they cooling down plants first and taking heat from shearing stations the last.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (20)

Extends that pipe to somewhere cool, preferably large body of liquid. Your water tank probably a good choice in early base. If you can make insulated pipe, use it between stable and water pool, especially for outgoing liquid from pool. Put one bridge on the route, then fill the pipe.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (21)


In this example I use water, which is not good for transferring heat (because easy to freeze) but every base has them. Better liquid for coolant is the one that has high Specific Heat Capacity (SHC) to be able to carry as much heat as possible. Lower freezing point is better, and if your cold area below 0C or you're using active cooling like aquatuner, then choose the one that have lower freezing point than your cold area. Higher Thermal Conductivity meaning faster heat transfer, and important if we don't have radiant pipes. As I write this StepByStep, polluted water is better coolant for early base because lower freezing point, but not thermal conductivity. Another worth mention is salt water. Their values can be changed in future game update, but at least you know how to pick one.

After pipe full loop, detach it from the pump.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (22)

Finishing our build

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (23)

Now we have completed our build, but how we can move their eggs? Depending on tech level:

1. Compactor with sweep only. We will need to sweep eggs from the stable from time to time, and dupe will carry it to compactor inside shearing room. After that we need to "drop" it to the ground by uncheck and re-checking critter egg inside compactor

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (24)

2. Automatic dispenser with sweep only. This one need some research in solid material category. We still need to sweep eggs from time to time on this stable design to prevent dupe taking eggs from shearing room back to dispenser. Because this research just before conveyor chute, probably you can skip this one and just use sweeper arm with conveyor chute later.

3. Sweeper arm with conveyor chute. Probably I don't need to mention or explain it. Sweeper will take the eggs and drop it into shearing room without our or dupes interaction. More details I'll leave it to you to explore a bit.

Good luck on getting stable plastic production early.


  • How to determine how many plant/drecko


4 minutes ago, abud said:

With recent update about critter tooltips, probably it's a good idea to explain how to calculate how many X plant needed for Y critters.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (25)StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (26)

Take glossy as an example, he can eat up to one full mealwood per cycle. Given mealwood domestic grows in 3 cycles, meaning each glossy need up to 3 mealwood to satisfy his stomach. Only happens if he never glum all the time. Glum will reduce metabolism to 20 percent (less eat, less excrete). Happy drecko on the other hand, receive a bonus to reproduction.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (27)StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (28)

However, It is didn't affect their scale growth. Drecko will glum from time to time: delay waiting rancher to groom them, delay on grooming process itself. among some other situations. So they will not eat full one mealwood all the time.

Drecko rancher has few options:

  1. Feed them minimum mealwood as long they didn't die. Some people opt for this, especially when they didn't have an overflow room and just care about plastic. When calories hit 0, they will start starving state. After starving for 10 cycles they will die. But if they eat anytime on that 10 cycles duration, their starving count will reset. No matter how little they just ate, starving counter reset.
  2. Feed them maximum mealwood the can eat. Dupist players (as compared to humanist) usually opt for this. Dupe can harvest mealwood that didn't get eaten
  3. In between both options. If there is mealwood ready to harvest means too much mealwood (or need more drecko), but if there is drecko that have low calories can't find food means too much drecko compete for food.
  4. Did not feed them at all. I don't need to explain, self-explanatory.

There is a maximum range of how much drecko can detect food, how far drecko can be called from grooming stations, among other mechanics that provide challenges into designing an efficient stable. I will leave the introduction to deeper ranching mechanics here.

StepByStep: Making Early (Glossy) Drecko Stable (2025)
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